I’m a part of a hackerspace here in Chicago, the oh-so-excellent Pumping Station: One. Two years ago, a member by the name of Jim Burke had the incredible idea of modding tiny children’s toy cars, putting adults in them, and racing around a track for the enjoyment of the public. Pumping Station: One Presents Power Racing Series was born.
Jump to now; the Power Racing Series is being featured in the October issue of Wired Magazine, with some amazing footage of the teams (including me!) zooming about the track with lots of crashing. There are Power Racing Series races at the Milwaukee Mini MakerFaire, Detroit and Kansas City MakerFaires, and you can also find some awesome videos on YouTube.
The Power Racing Series has become so popular that demand for it at more MakerFaires (and the possibility of a Chicago MakerFaire next year) has spawned a Kickstarter campaign. See the below video for all the details!
By the way, I’m the one on the cop bike with a billy club. Yeah. You’re jealous. I know.
Who wants to donate?! You get prizes…
Do it. The fate of absurdity depends on it!
Follow the campaign/race scheduling progress on Twitter via @PPPRS and @PumpingStation1 for info on Chicago events and projects.
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